
Introduction to chiptuning

Hello. This is my first video. Watch and see that introduction. You will see some tools, software, hardware things.


  1. Baze007 says

    Excellent site excellent explanation …. I’ll ask admin to tell me whether the tools of his clone or original …….. good that someone wants to help …… Thanks

  2. Hi,

    its nice to have people around the world who try to help nother people.


    Can u Tell me the name of the Software in your first video ? is it digiprog? And where i can download it if its free?

    Thank u a lot. U are great.

  3. Hi,

    Good website thumbs up!
    I always was interested in ecu flashing chiptuning etc, thou the knowledge is not with me 🙂

    So I as hoping to get some useful information around , especially here. and try to work with my own range rover ’97 with 2.5 tds bmw engine (m71)
    My questions would be like how do i identify what ecu is in my RR ? I pulled it out and i know its bosch , that’s it.
    I took it apart and found 2 EEPROM chips ( B 58539) , what hardware/software it would be handiest to read it? I know im jumping abit ahead but the only way for me to learn anything is actually go practical even thou if it means to wreck somethin. Your answer is much appreciated

  4. Hi. As I see you have done a lot of work on ECU remapping. On the firs video you said, you are using also Bluefin Reader/Writer. So the question is: Is it possible to buy any bluefin on market and just put your file in and reprogram the car – voila, and it works. I have Mondeo MK4 and I have not done ANY remapping yet, so that is why the question is. Yours: Mike Bundy jr

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