
ECU tuning files download

Most of files are tested tuning files. These files are working. To use these files on your car you will need ECU flashing tool. This unit will allow you to chip tune your vehicle via OBD-II port. Look into “Hardware” menu to find suitable flasher for you. There are almost ~20 thousands tuned files, you should find one, which will fit your car. Please note, that this big package of tuning files is mostly for older vehicles and isn’t collected personally by me. This package is created and contains files from many different tuners. So files in this package are listed in many different folders and it could be hard to find a specified file for beginners. Use these files at your own risk.

You may download tuning files here (one-file package):
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  1. Hi… Do you have SAAB 9-3 1.9 tdi, 110 kw, 2004-2005-2006??

  2. Albert says

    parts 17 link dead, Could not open the socket….

  3. Can somebody please upload a single file to help download without limitations of big brother rapidgator?
    Thanks a lot.

  4. Has anyone got a list of the tuning files included? I just need to know if the golf is on there.

  5. Can these files be made into a torrent file? Would be easier to download.

    Also can anyone confirm if this contains any maps for the VW Golf 1.8t?

    Its a lot to download without knowing whats in each file.


  6. Could anyone help me out with finding the right file to remap my Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI PD BNM 70HP? I would like to remap it to ~95HP but there is no “Fabia” directory within the “/Tuning Files/Modified/Skoda/”-folder, I can only see 23 “.drv” files in “/Tuning Files/Files/Skoda/fabia/” but which one shall I choose? The name doen’t indicate to which engine the file belongs.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Hi would it be possible for you to send me a file for a 2002 ford mondeo 2.0 130 tdci please would be much appreciated

  8. hi,
    what is the password of this archive?

  9. Great service making these tuning files accessible for everyone! I’m really looking forward to test it on my 1.4 TDI PD BNM 70HP machine.

    I’ll let you know the results as soon I’m done πŸ™‚

    one thing: uploading the whole image via torrent would make it a lot easier to acquire. but HEY, its for free, so W(hy)TF complaining about a couple of clicks?

  10. Hi. I download all files. Howe can i find files for my vw bora 1.9tdI 81 kilowatts (110 PS; 109 bhp) @ 4,150 rpm; 235 newton metres (173 lbfΒ·ft) @ 1,900 rpm AHF?

  11. Hi,can you send me a file for my 330xd 2001 (184hp-manual) on my email – vankatavsc@gmail.com THANKS !!!

  12. Miguel says

    Hey there.

    First of all , great job on this files, its seems endless πŸ™‚

    Second: can i work on mpps v13 with this files? I have ECM TITANIUM and where do i put the directory named files?

    Tks in advance πŸ™‚

  13. Rinalds says

    Can you please send me file for AUDI A4 1,9TDI AJM 115bhp.


  14. Nicholas says

    Is there a remap included for a Seat Ibiza 6L TDI PD (96kW)? The motor code is ASZ

  15. Hi do you have a tuning file for a vw Golf 2002 1.9 tdi 150bhp ?


  16. you can post me at petitesannonces69@live.fr

  17. Hi,

    IΒ΄m looking for the Tuning Maps for Golf V 1.9 TDI 105 PS.
    Please can someone send me the files?

    Thank you very much.



  18. Hello!
    I need a map for vw passat ,2005,105cv .Please help me!

  19. Hello!
    Do you have the file for vw passat 2002 ,105 cv..Thank you!

  20. Antony Cull says

    Hi do you have the file for the bmw e46 323i 2.5 as i dont want to down load all the files just for one car could you email it to me please

  21. Ivan Atanasov says

    Hi,can you send me a file for my 330xd 2001 (184hp) on my email – vankatavsc@gmail.bg THANKS !!!

  22. Hi admin,

    can you please upload to uploaded.net??
    I would be very grateful to you my friend!


  23. Wataruid says

    Thanks for all files..

  24. hi
    I must say what a brilliant site
    whats the best programmer for a 2004 mondeo tdci 130bhp
    is it possible to flash the ecu via the obd socket
    without removing the ecu from the car
    does the tuning files include a map I can flash to the above car

    • Hi, I think you will need to remove ECU. Some time ago I have been searching tool for Mondeo remapping via OBD, but I didn’t find anything suitable. The Mondeo’s has so many engine types (eletric, non electric egr/turbo etc), so my advise will be to compare files.

      • thanks for the reply
        how do i check the difference between bin files
        when the bin files arent named for my car
        which software do i use to open the maps to check

  25. Raphael says

    Hi !! Is there a Mercedes Benz ML320 1999 Petrol Engine (w163) file ? Thx !

  26. hi!
    BMW 325 TDS ,ecu tuning file???

  27. I flashed my ECU (BORA TDI AGR) with this files works perfect

    with galletto 1260.

    • Thanks for feedback πŸ˜‰

      • jordan says

        in which way you chose the file that you need you ? because in a folder for example ( vw golf 115cv folder there is 5 files ) so which program ( and how you do that ) you used for compare the original map and tuned to know which map is right for your car ???

  28. jordan says

    i download all files and extracted to nrg file, so now i can open it with damon tools , but now i have some questions

    how exactly to know which file i need to use for that type of car ( will it show when i connect when galletto and read from stock map )

    and will you explain the procedure for flashing and chosing the right file ?

    • jordan says

      also i seee when open files with galletto SW and HW number , so is that number must be samo for runet file and original ?

      pls explaind that process of remap πŸ™‚

  29. jordan says

    i can’t extract .rar file … it says that i need some type of code ??? which is code how to solve this problem ?

    it says ” you need to have the fallowing volume to continue the extraction ”

    β€œinsert a disc with the volume and press OK or press cancel to exit β€œβ€

    • you didn’t downloaded all archives

      • jordan says

        i realised that anfer i see what is written in browse , i will download all files now and i will extract It… after i plan to buy galletto 1260 ( because i read tht with that cable and software i can remap cars ) , so if i had some problem i will sedn you a message . Thanks

  30. tckenny says

    Is there Ssangyong Kyron remap?


  31. Does anybody can drop archive of the ECUtuned files to some more frendly server?

  32. Ben Dover says

    Can you send me the programm digiprog-obd, i want to have a preview before iam goint to buy it.

  33. Hi looking for a audi a4 1.8t 150 remap file the 193 bhp one. thanks dave

  34. Hi..i have a bmw e46 1999 320D 136 hp …i have the galletto 1260 ecu tool… and i have trouble finding the right file to boost it up… i downloaded your ecu tuning files.. but i dont know which is the right one… send me the name of the file… and i will find it in your files…

  35. Is there Golf 5 1.9 tdi 105 HP map?


  36. GJ for sure. But there is no need to download, when u are looking for a model that isn’t at least 10 years old πŸ™
    (I learned that after downloading…. πŸ™‚ )
    Looking forward for some updates for newer cars.


    • For new cars, you cannot find here or other place good files for free… for a real good file you need to pay, incl. for original files… and who is talking about self tunnig is dreaming… so,… guys, if you really want to modify your ECU files, for your car, it’s more cheaper and safer to buy a good/tested file.

  37. Hy, Great Job !… but, useless if I need 17 days to download all these files, because most of us, needs 2-3 files… so, why you didn’t make 17 arch. with all of these files like VW, BMW, etc… so everybody could download what is needed.

  38. Hi Admin,
    I’m looking for a tuning file for the Seat Leon Cupra 1P 03/2008.
    Does the package contain a tuning file for this car?
    i.e. approx 310 HP / 420 Nm or someting comparable?

    Thx in advance!

  39. Hi admin.
    I have big problem….
    I remap my passat 3bg 130 pd, and now i cant start my car…. =(
    Tiptronic Tras has Locked, and engine wont start…
    I can not rech engine ecu with Vag Com, it say “Too many Comunications Error”
    What should i do?
    How to fix ecu….?

    • You took wrong file from the package or you made file by yourself? As I see your car has automatic gearbox, so you made bad decision for choosing file.. The one way to fix it is open ECU and write to memory old file with some programmer like BDM.

  40. Is there any file for Alhambra tdi 110ps? What is the diference betwwen the folder Files and Modfied Files?

  41. John Adams says

    Hi Admin
    I really want to learn chiptuning and ECU remapping,can you tell me please how and where ?have some PDF course?
    Really thanks in advance and hope to get answer.

  42. Kris gillon says

    Hi is there s file for an astra 1.9 cdti 16v 2007 model?
    And can I use kwp2000 to write these files?

  43. Morgado says


    Do you have any “FAP-OFF” files for Peugeot 307 2.0 HDI 110? The FAP was physically removed, and the original file was modified in ECUSAFE. I still have the same error and the lack of power. Do you have any solution?

  44. Mike Days says

    Hi, admin and partners, anyone have the file for vw new beetle 2.5L STD 06 or 07??, thx a lot

  45. I’m downloading the archive but it’s quite slow… Could anyone who downloaded please check is there any tuning files for W211 E320 2003? Thanks!

  46. Oumer Ismael says


    Kindly recommend which software and flasher to use for toyota hiace 2008 1KD FTV engine. To erase the OBDII fault codes P2002 & P2033.

    Many thanks for your assistance.

  47. Scooter says

    Hello !
    Im now downloading the arhives. I have a BMW 520d e39 year 2000. Is there any files for this model?
    Thank you very much.

    • Yes you should find file for your vehicle.

      • Scooter says

        thank you, slow downloading… no premium account

      • Scooter says

        Another question…. I can use an Galletto 1260 interface with this files? This interface can be used with my car. Thank you

      • yes you can

      • Scooter says

        I’m sorry, one last question. I finished downloading archives trying to look for a file for my BMW 520d e39, but i don’t find anyone. Don’t understant filenames….
        Thanks in advance

      • hello. did you get the file? awesome site but not that easy to find. looking for the same file
        got some files with my kwp2000 tool but my car wouldnt start afterwards so had to flash the original file back in

  48. Hi admin. Here’s the recorded file BMW 330xd 2006 promised.
    You look at it please? Thank you πŸ™‚

  49. When I try and run the file Bosch ecu nr I receive the this error “program cant start because mfc70.dll is missing” any ideas how I could fix this? I have windows 7

  50. MPPS v12. Why?

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