
ECU tuning files download

Most of files are tested tuning files. These files are working. To use these files on your car you will need ECU flashing tool. This unit will allow you to chip tune your vehicle via OBD-II port. Look into “Hardware” menu to find suitable flasher for you. There are almost ~20 thousands tuned files, you should find one, which will fit your car. Please note, that this big package of tuning files is mostly for older vehicles and isn’t collected personally by me. This package is created and contains files from many different tuners. So files in this package are listed in many different folders and it could be hard to find a specified file for beginners. Use these files at your own risk.

You may download tuning files here (one-file package):
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  1. Which file do I use the bmw E91 330xd? It’s year 2006.
    Thank you

  2. hi file 17 downloads as corrupt are you able to amend this at all?

  3. so i downloaded the 17 files and now it says I need file number 18? How many files are there? where is number 18?

  4. Can these files also be used with Galetto? I have Galetto, but I do not have the files for it.

  5. Which file do I use the bmw E91 330xd?
    Thank you

  6. Hello,
    thank You for all the files. one thing,the folder “files” consists of modified files or the original ones?

  7. TUNING FILES\MODIFIED FILES\fiat\PUNTO\Punto JTD\step-0126.bin

    this file is tested and 100% working! little Punto is a big punto now!!!! goes like hell!

  8. Sixth link is not working. Please check it. Thank you

  9. Hi,

    Tucson2.0CRDI_694.mod doesn’t open up using ECUFlash or HPT or tuner pro. please help.
    I’m unable to open any of the orig or mod files using the above tools…!!

  10. Hi,

    I can see mod files for Tucson and Santa FE . Can I have one for Accent CRDi as well?

  11. Miguel says

    Admin, upload the file with 4,2GB to a torrent pls

  12. hello you modified files for audi a4 2.0TDI / 2.7TDI / 3.0TDI
    and a6 and a3. cordially

  13. exhaust says

    Very nice of you to share with us, but are there any newer files? I am especially interested into VAG engines. What are the chances to find those newer ones, at least up to 2010 year?

  14. speaker says

    Very good files for learning purposes! thank you

  15. are these files all tested? someone that already tested these tuned files with good results? are there some ford tdci files for download? bought a cheap mpps dongle for my focus 1600tdci, can these files be used with it?

  16. shahab says

    hello,i need file remap ecu bosch mp3.2 gti6 167hp
    are you hellp me or send just file bosch mp3.2 for me?

  17. Pousinhosport says

    good night … I’m having problems in Part 4

    thank you

  18. Murtyman says

    what is the difference between the files listed under “files” and the ones listed under “modified files”??

  19. Vaidas says

    Please update part 6 file, tried 5 times to download and it stops always in a half way πŸ™

  20. Super saab says

    Is there any files to saab 9-5 in the download

  21. hi i have a ford focus 1.6tdci 109hp is a edc16, you have the file tuned for my car?? if is can you send me the link??

  22. antgarci says

    Citroen C4 1.6HDI 110HP 1037371536

    Could you send me the tuned file or a link to find it? Thanks!!

  23. hayzoli says

    Laguna 2004 1.9dci ecu:0281011723
    Find no tuning file!Please help me!

  24. Could you please upload it to some Torrent ? That would be great !

  25. I can’t install Bosch ecu nr.exe “The program can’t start because mfc70.dll is missing from your computer…”
    What is this program and do I need it / want it?

  26. yes there is files for the VW PD TDI engines!

  27. VW PD TDI says

    Before I spend the time to download 17 files, can someone tell me if you have files for VW’s PD TDI 1.9 engine?
    Also, is there an up-and-running torrent for these files?

  28. Hi, What ECU Map did you use for your 2.2 ST TDCI?

    I have a 2004 ST TDCI and am not sure what file to apply πŸ™‚

    Thank you for this by the way.

    • Hi. Glad to hear that you own ST TDCi too. Well, I think that you won’t find exact map for your vehicle in the package. Mondeos have lots of variants of engine (with electrical/vacuum controlled turbo; electrical/vacuum EGR; air flow meters etc).
      Mine got custom remmap right now (decat pipe, exhaust, intercooler)

      • Any idea where i can get a map for my car? other websites maybe?

      • If you are very interested in chiptuning (not only in a result), you may study this thing. After learning and testing you can make map yourself. πŸ™‚

  29. Do i have to install ilivid to download the Files? I have donwloaded files 1-12 without ilivid, now its not working with and without ilivid.

    • All parts should be unrared and mounted with daemon tools

      • or if u are like me MAC user u can use mount disc utility, or toast titanium or…whatever best suits U!


  30. bxl_boysaki says

    Thank you for the file.
    after axtracting the files, i found a “.nrg” file. how do you open it?
    how do you use it with winols?

    thank you for helping me.

  31. murtyman says

    Im having trouble with the downloaded files..
    It only extracts as a single .nrg file and i can’t get it opened with kwp 2000 or any other flash program.
    Do i need the program you have on this site-winols-?!
    Or am i doing something wrong?

  32. HI!
    i can’t open the file.
    how do i open the file when i have extracted all 17 packages with winrar?
    can i open them with winols?
    i have tried with mpps, kwp2000plus, galetto etc…

    • galletto definitly opens the files, i personally try the audi 2.5 mod(which has a like audio extension,and it can be recognized by the VLC(of course VLC cannot play it obviously)) but the main thing its that i try the mentioned file, galletto recognized SW number and HW number and the files i OK! so either u doing something wrong or…. try again

  33. bxl_boysaki says

    THANK YOU very much man!!!!!!!!

  34. after the download and mount, im not brave enough to try it!!! its not that i dont trust, but hey.. anyone try anything from the disc?? All i can read is: Please fix the links? Or i can download 1 file per day? so what, it took me like 5 days or more( i cant remember now)just to download and few days of raid the disc, but i still didnt try anything! so my question is obvious: did anyone try anything?

    Thank you

    BTW this site is more then excellent!


    • If you try it on diesel engine, please do not afraid anything. You won’t damage anything. At any time you will be able to put the original file back (of course firstly make a copy of it).

      • well, what if i brick the ECU? is there any tricks that can helps to unbrick it, or i need to do it with EEPROM reprogrammer? that of course includes desoldering and soldering…

      • I downloaded this dvd with maps, i can’t open.
        Please help me. I have Galletto 1260.
        I need files for Peugeot 406 HDI 110 ps.


      • Did you get files for 406HDI 110HP???

  35. links fixed

  36. dear admin i have downloaded this attachment.but i dont found tuned files for mercedes c230 kompressor.what is name of this file or folder?Thanx

  37. silver2x says

    hello dead links! possible to recover?

  38. valacko says

    Hi Can U. send my the files via FTP?


  39. sergio says

    can nayone tell me if this have VW bora 1.6 16v file?

  40. thank you, great site

  41. Everyone who has download problems may try download manager:

    this should help download all files faster

    • Got the parts now from turbobit. Much faster when know how. But how can I see which modified file I can use for my car? Maybe you can make a tutorial about that. Or does the OBDII program recognize them?

      • You can only use file, which make is the same as our cars. Compare files. Tuner pro software should help.

      • cant open the TUCSON mod file with tuner pro. please help. Galetto 1260 does recognize the file but how do I view it before flashing?

      • Hey, try opening with WinOLS

      • Thanks for the prompt help. It does open with WinOLS.
        I used galetto 1260 to read my Getz 1.5 CRDi file. Its bosch EDC16C39 with s/w version 383158 . It has 159 potential maps with starting address 1C11E6 . How do I figure out which map is at what address? At what address will be the drivers wish, torque limiter and turbo maps? what maps should be modified at the first level of tune..!!

    • dragon1500 says

      which link to use to download the jdownloader?

  42. for me download speed is 250kB/s, can download file each hour. not so bad

  43. Can download 1 file pro day.. Can’t you upload it on wetransfer.com? In 2-3 times? Thanks!

  44. What error you get?

    • no errorr now all downloads are fine…. the error was something like i cannot do a parallel download, and i need to switch to a premium acc… now its fine, cant wait to download all to test the files…

  45. Cannot even start download in free mode… i would love to try to C the files, and test it! that will be nice…


  46. Can only download 1 piece pro day, please upload on wetransfer.com or another upload site. Thanks alot for your great effort and time!

  47. it takes long time to download πŸ™

  48. Goodluck with the new site, and thanks again for your prompt response the other day.

  49. thank you, i will look into these files

  50. Links checked and working! If you found dead link please notify me!

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