
Tuner Pro (newest version)

Another good software for engine tuning. I use it for comparing tuned files with original.

-Full bin editing capability raw or via definition referencing
-Full bin definition editing capability including reordering and item comments
-Import definitions from various formats
-2D Graphing with multi-point dragging
-3D Graphing with multi-point dragging, surface plot, colored height map, rotation, translation, and zoom
-Full-featured math engine with support for dozens of common functions (e.g. sin, cos, min, max, etc) and referential calculation (output from one calculation can be used as input for another)
-Table manipulation functions for scaling rows, columns, and entire tables
-3D table smoothing functionality with user-defined alpha
-Compare the current bin to up to 4 other bins at once
-Includes a bin stacking tool for compiling multiple bins into one image
-Bin Change Logging – changes can be auto-saved to a log file for easy tracking
-Search for items by title keyword, address, or size
-Rapidly list the differences between two bin files
-View bins graphically for finding patterns and tables
-Export bin data/contents to a plain text file for easy viewing and/or printing
-Table range selection and editing ability – pull fuel/spark out of regions with minimal effort
-Ability to Copy/Paste tables to/from Excel for extensive editing
-Full-featured raw hex/octal/binary/dec editor
-Easily check for and download the latest available version directly from the menus
-Plug-in architecture for end-user extensibility
-Much more!

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  1. mmatttk says

    nice site bro. keep going

  2. Hi,
    I have taken some ecu reads with my kess v2 and they create a none file extension file, I want to compare files how do i load them in to tuner pro or convert them to something that can be loaded please?

    Thanks in advance….

  3. Krister says

    First I want to say thank of your great web site. I really appreciate this web page and your free time that you put in to it.

    My question is, which XDF and/or ADX files do you use with the Tuner-pro?

  4. kos1knight says

    Hi , id like to ask if there is any chance you could send me this tunerpro and the winlos as having trouble downloading them , i have some tryed and tested files that i have pesonaly used for the vauxhall/opel astra 2.0 16v turbo petrol engine running bosch me 1.5.5 ecu i can provide you with theese files if you can just send me the software and might aswell send me what other stuff you have and map files ,as like you say why pay big dow when you can do it yourself thats what i do as we have to stick together in this game ,but would like some software where i can tweek the maps slightly .
    thanks and keep up the good work

  5. VitalyR says

    Dear friend, than you for yours work. it helps to all people, who want to learn! Can i ask you? Where do you get XDF files for bin? and you use compare tool to find adresses and watch to the difference in other programms? explain please if u have time… Thanks

  6. Hi,i am looking for a tuning solution for Nissan Patrol 5.6 V8 (y62) with VK56VD engine which is also found in Infinity,the ecu is HITACHI can you help me finding any software and hard ware to do this.I have seen you in action i must say you really know how to tune cars 🙂

  7. gazsnova says

    I’m having a problem downloading the files for this software from the given locations. Is there anywhere else I could get this software?

    Thank You 🙂

  8. Robertas says

    Labas, kiek supratau pagal radija esi lietuvis? 🙂 gal teko bandyt chipuot 1.9tdi? ir gal zinai is kur galima nusipirkt remap failu? dekui uz atsakyma.

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