
KESS V2 FW v4.036 – SW v2.31 OBD2 tuning tool

Price 52.99 € incl. shipping. 2018 version.
You can purchase KessV2 hardware (FW v5.017, SW V2.32 clone, unlimited tokens, including set of cables) from EngineTuning.eu. Product is new and never used. Shipping worldwide. Order will arrive to your door in 2-3 weeks right after purchase (usually faster, depending on you location). It’s a great choice, because KessV2 unit will be shipped to you directly from supplier in China. Please note, that supplier declares lower price (20$) and you should receive unit without any additional TAX. But in some cases, usually in countries which have strict Customs policy, the units can be charged with additional TAX. Ordering from EngineTuning.eu will save your time and money. If you have additional questions please contact me.

Short review of KessV2 tool.

KessV2 is a chiptuning tool which allows you to easily read/write vehicle’s ECU. With such tool you are able to extract engine’s control program then edit it in your computer and increase your engine performance after writing it back. It’s either for home car owners who’d like to save on fuel, improve horse power, adjust driving comfort. In today’s market KessV2 is most powerful tool and everyone is able to purchase it. It supports almost all vehicles, as it means it is universal. The tool is safe, fast and reliable. I have been using KessV2 for a while and I have no complaints about it. Strongly recommended tool.

KESS-Tuning-Kit-Vehicles-Support.pdf – 92 KB
52.99 EUR


  1. darcysmoke says

    HI, i purchased this kit about 8 weeks ago through yourself, finally tried to use it to read my ecu and although it can id it ,it will not read it i get message “change of session not possible”.
    FORD TRANSIT 2.4 TDDI ..MY 2000
    FAM 171
    KSUITE: Device type M
    Serial Number K090221102
    Customer code C0999
    Group code C0999
    Do you have any solution to the error please?

  2. Flabba2000 says

    Hi 🙂
    How to order?
    I want kess + diagnostic…


  3. Skojevac says


    Does this set include both Kess V2 and K-tag Ksuite or only Kess? Does this version have unlimited tokens?

  4. mateo1 says

    Hi Admin

    Will this kess v2 work with my Peugeot 208 1.4 hdi 2104,? it have edc17c10 with tricore. I need to buy BDM tray separately?

  5. BMWenthousiast says

    Hi Admin,

    Is there a difference in Chinese Kess V2 or Kess v2 from European sites (which also ship directly from China)? Hope you have some experience with different suppliers.


    • Hello,

      all the units are manufactured in China, so the quality is all the same.. Buying from EU countries you will over pay the real price. Look for a vendor in China with good feedback and you will get good tool.

      • BMWenthousiast says

        Thanks man, I’ll buy one in china directly, I already suspected overpricing on EU sites. But there’s al lot of talk on the internet about EU clones, which supposed to have better components soldered on the board. Not sure this is true.

  6. VectorM12 says

    Is it possible to do the actual tuning with it (e.g ignition timing etc)? Or this is only for read/write pre-mapped files?

  7. aafidris says

    Hello Enginetuning,
    I’m trying to find a tuned map file for a Seat Leon FR 2.0 TFSI DSG 2007 but can’t find it in the big zip file that I downloaded from your site. I payed because I read on this site that you can supply me with a tuned map file. Can you help me with that? If you can help me with technical on the job information about tuning so I can learn the proces step by step that would be very helpfull. I’ve downloaded all the tools.
    I ordered a CDP pro plus for autocom and want to flash the tuned map file myself. Also I’m not happy with the shift timing of the DSG, it shifts much to late (about 6600 rpm and sometimes it even goes in the red zone!) and I would like it to shift at around 5600 rpm. Thanks a lot! Hope to hear from you soon.

  8. bence.szeitz says

    Dear Admin , you dont talk about Galetto to read or write the ecu .
    Is it almost the same than the MagPro .
    Is any particular reason that you never used it ?
    Thanks Ben .

  9. hawrie says

    dear Admin¨

    first of all thanks for a great page.

    i am an owner of a detaling shop in Kurdistan ( North Iraq ) and i have a lot of costumers asking for tuning their cars.
    i have never worked with ECU tuning befor
    what is the easiest software to use for me ?
    what hardware do i need ?

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