
Tuning files tested by me

I have received many requests, that I should upload remapped files used in the videos. So I decided to create a new section, where I will post my own remaps which is used by me or sent to File service clients. Please note, that you will find only part of files here, because I upload only files which were tuned only for individuals. I am also working with few small tuning companies and have an agreement which do not allow me to share these files.
So in this post I will post only 100% working files with good feedback from the users. These files will not damage your vehicle.
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ECU tuning files download

Most of files are tested tuning files. These files are working. To use these files on your car you will need ECU flashing tool. This unit will allow you to chip tune your vehicle via OBD-II port. Look into “Hardware” menu to find suitable flasher for you. There are almost ~20 thousands tuned files, you should find one, which will fit your car. Please note, that this big package of tuning files is mostly for older vehicles and isn’t collected personally by me. This package is created and contains files from many different tuners. So files in this package are listed in many different folders and it could be hard to find a specified file for beginners. Use these files at your own risk.
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