
Tuning files tested by me

I have received many requests, that I should upload remapped files used in the videos. So I decided to create a new section, where I will post my own remaps which is used by me or sent to File service clients. Please note, that you will find only part of files here, because I upload only files which were tuned only for individuals. I am also working with few small tuning companies and have an agreement which do not allow me to share these files.
So in this post I will post only 100% working files with good feedback from the users. These files will not damage your vehicle.
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KESS V2 FW v4.036 – SW v2.31 OBD2 tuning tool

Price 52.99 € incl. shipping. 2018 version.
You can purchase KessV2 hardware (FW v5.017, SW V2.32 clone, unlimited tokens, including set of cables) from EngineTuning.eu. Product is new and never used. Shipping worldwide. Order will arrive to your door in 2-3 weeks right after purchase (usually faster, depending on you location). It’s a great choice, because KessV2 unit will be shipped to you directly from supplier in China. Please note, that supplier declares lower price (20$) and you should receive unit without any additional TAX. But in some cases, usually in countries which have strict Customs policy, the units can be charged with additional TAX. Ordering from EngineTuning.eu will save your time and money. If you have additional questions please contact me.

Short review of KessV2 tool.

KessV2 is a chiptuning tool which allows you to easily read/write vehicle’s ECU. With such tool you are able to extract engine’s control program then edit it in your computer and increase your engine performance after writing it back. It’s either for home car owners who’d like to save on fuel, improve horse power, adjust driving comfort. In today’s market KessV2 is most powerful tool and everyone is able to purchase it. It supports almost all vehicles, as it means it is universal. The tool is safe, fast and reliable. I have been using KessV2 for a while and I have no complaints about it. Strongly recommended tool.

KESS-Tuning-Kit-Vehicles-Support.pdf – 92 KB
52.99 EUR

K-TAG FW v7.020 – SW v2.31 ECU Programming tool

Price is 50.99€ incl. shipping. 2018 version.
You can purchase K-TAG tool from EngineTuning.eu as well. Product is new and never used. Shipping worldwide. Order will arrive to your door in 2-3 weeks right after purchase (usually faster, depending on you location). It’s a great choice, because K-TAG unit will be shipped to you directly from supplier in China. Please note, that supplier declares lower price (20$) and you should receive unit without any additional TAX. But in some cases, usually in countries which have strict Customs policy, the units can be charged with additional TAX. Ordering from EngineTuning.eu will save your time and money. If you have additional questions please contact me.

KTAG K-TAG ECU Programming Tool Master Version.

Hardware Version: 7.020.
Software Version: V2.31.

50.99 EUR.

Tuner Pro (newest version)

Another good software for engine tuning. I use it for comparing tuned files with original.
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ECM Titanium 1.61 + drivers

ECM titanium

ECM Titanium 1.61

Another great software for ECU remaping.
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Bosch ECU ID

I have been receiving many emails from visitors asking how to compare original files (and tunes as well) and identify if files are suitable to use on their vehicles.

Here is a good tool for Bosch ECUs to extract SW/HW numbers from flash file.
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Autocom CDP diagnostics tool V2014.03


You can purchase Autocom CDP diagnotics hardware (V2014.03) from EngineTuning.eu. Price is 42.99€ incl. shipping. Product is new and never used. Shipping worldwide. Order will arrive to your door in 2-3 weeks right after purchase (usually faster, depending on you location). It’s a great choice, because diagnostics unit will be shipped to you directly from supplier in China. Please note, that supplier declares lower price and you should receive unit without any additional TAX. Ordering from EngineTuning.eu will save your time and money. If you have additional questions please contact me any time.

Short review of Autocom CDP Pro tool.

This tool is used for diagnostics. Diagnostics and tuning are the very related things. I keep the opinion that only fault-free vehicle can be tuned and best result reached. So before tuning I strongly recommend to make sure that vehicle does not have any engine related faults (reading fault codes via diagnostics helps to identify and solve engine problems). If you do not have any fault codes, you are ok to go with the tune and expect the maximum power, torque and driving pleasure.
This is most powerful diagnostics tool, which I have seen for such low price. It supports many car makes. With this tool you can see all trouble codes of your vehicle (engine, abs, esp, gearbox etc). It allows you to delete these codes, see its description and other common things. Other available functions:
1) Climate control
2) Service reset
3) Airbags
4) Immobilizer
5) Programming (injectors, keys)
6) Live data

Compatible vehicle list:
Cars CDP Pro car list.pdf – 32 MB

If you want to purchase it, please email me!

Winols 2.24

WinOLS 2-24_2
The version added to this site earlier is outdated. Here is an update.

WinOLS is an application, which is written especially to modify the memory contents of Engine Control Units (ECUs).
It makes it easier to search and find maps, which can be named, displayed in several ways and be modified. All data and maps are stored in project files. These project files contain all information, which are gathered during the modification of the ECU. Additional data can be added too.
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ECU Tuning – The Reality and The Myths

Diesel tuning

Basic engineering fact – Smoke is wasted energy. This is the product of a badly modified file, by normally adding fuel because its the easy and quick map to find with absolutely no recognition to thermodynamic principles, stoichiometry or Volumetric efficiency. A correctly modified file will provide the cylinder with the correct amount of air to completely com-bust the given fuel. Please understand that fuel is fixed sum (energy) for the ECU and air is variable, an engine is driven by the heating of air to gain the most power you must heat as much volume of air as possible from a relative due point (exothermic reaction), the fuel already in cylinder must be burnt completely to extract the most energy (allowing for the boundary layer), a complete burn of fixed fuel = more heat, more heat = more power, basic physics.

Smoke will damage a modern diesel engine

Manufactures go to huge lengths to achieve the perfect/maximum thermal efficiency in engine design striking the perfect balance from a induction temperature and the heating point of the fuel vs permissible exhaust temperature (EGT) whist targeting the idea push/pumping(expansion) cycle or adiabatic process. The problem in tuning a diesel engine for a manufacture is purely down to controlling EGT relative to particle matter and Nox (nitrogen oxide) emissions the very reason forcing the use of DPF systems.

So how is the damage done? – By modifying the lambda (fuel relative to air) the first issue is the over loading of the DPF management cycle as the filter is designed to handle a certain amount of matter vs measured flow vs a oil quality / engine ageing strategy, think of it like this – tuning a engine it is a given performance air filters provide more airflow by using better more expensive materials. Currently there is no material solution for DPF to achieve performance increase other than (at best) an increase regeneration cycles to keep flow optimized resulting in increased fuel use for such a regeneration leading to the inevitable shorted life cycle. So adding fuel = Dead DPF.

Turbochargers suffer greatly from tuning ignorance, and are a fundamental component in managing the efficiency of a engine. The compressor map of a turbo dictates the dynamics of the air heating process with the cylinder temperatures vs. EGT calibrated precisely known as the ‘flame wall’ as diesel fuel ignition timing is dictated by the mass vs relative fuel temperature respecting thermodynamic variables / eg – the fuel pressure (endothermic reaction), fuel mass (duration), start of injection (timing). I see issues with calibrations where the mass (duration) is modified the SOI (timing) is modified along with increased rail pressure resulting in the movement in flame wall causing a cascade rise in EGT thus damaging the turbocharger due to the pardox of increased boost pressure only compounding the issue. Another issue born out of over fueling and flame de-tuning is the sooting of the exhaust wheel of the turbo causing a imbalance of the turbine and jamming of a variable geometry where applicable thus greatly reducing the life of the turbocharger.

Drive line and chassis harmonics – manufactures again go to huge length to control engine running frequency and this ‘noise’ causes long term damage to components a simple example is the presence of a dual mass flywheel which is tasked in part to countering this issue in conjunction with tuned engine mounts and phased injection strategies. By not respecting these components in a file modifications all will lead to early failure.

The work is already done in the ECU to increase the performance to a sensible point without compromising the powertrain the key is understanding the physics on which the calibration was designed, so the next time you see a Youtube video of a vehicle pumping a dyno cell full of black smoke think about what you have read here and the ignorance of some tuners.

EGR Removal on DPF vehicles

It is bad idea. I am currently seeing alot of companies offering EGR deletes on vehicles equipped with LIVE DPF systems. I do not offer this service (unless you strongly demand) for a number reasons. First of all, as part of the integral emissions system that was embedded into the software, the EGR and DPF systems work together in the regeneration process.

If the EGR system is deleted by means of duty cycle and airflow modification, this will have a negative impact on the DPF regeneration cycle. The DPF system was designed to work along side the EGR using different strategies in the passive and active regeneration process.

Once the EGR is modified, by default, this will upset the regeneration strategies and more often than not, result in an early DPF filter failure due to incorrect regeneration strategies.

Custom Tuning Files

Fact – in ecu tuning there is no such thing. This is impossible to modify your file by your vehicle’s odometer count… So do not trust the companies who advertising that tuning file for your personal vehicle is custom made and adapted regarding you engine’s wear condition. You will get a standard tuning file upon your request (Stage 1, Stage 2 etc), but you will pay more.

Clone or copied Tools

FACT – with most things in life, there will always be copies, clones, rip offs. For example DVD movies and CD Albums. When it comes to chip tuning, Yes many tools have been copied/cloned etc. A quick google search will reveal the extent of how many clone tools are a wash over the internet. As an example, try and search FGtech for the legitimate FGtechnology website, lets put it this way, its not in the top 10 results. The fact that China has gone all out on manufacture and marketing of these tools, and even to the point of starting websites with very similar names means that people very little experience in chip tuning may be duped into thinking they are buying a legitimate tool a fraction of the cost of the genuine article.

Do they work?

Of course they do, but as clones are clones and it will be up to the user to test. The quality of the components and construction varies. The tools cannot be used while connected to the internet, so they cannot be updated to the very latest software/firmware, some protocols may or may not work due to old or corrupt software/hardware. The best source of information on these tools is the internet, like a chip tuning forums and other websites.

Genuine tools are built as the manufacturer intended, all of the protocols listed 99% of the time is working, so there is no real chance of error.

So in conclusion, clones are usually working as well as genuine tools, but there is a bigger chance of error.

All this information is based on the books which I read during my experience on ECU tuning.

Memberships, File service and Feedbacks


EngineTuning site is running for 3 year already. During this time site changed: from simple php site to the one which is running now (WordPress). This change was made after I saw a big interest from visitors: they were looking how to tune vehicles, where to find suitable and working remaps. Engine tuning was my hobby, in these years a learned a lot, from a beginner to qualified specialist. During the years I collected much valuable information and material. It’s time for another change. Unfortunately, EngineTuning is not going to be free anymore. To view all content you need to be Gold member. 9.99€ is not that much for every member, but it’s essential for me to keep this website running. This surely will help me to cover server, maintenance and many other costs. Also this will encourage me to continue my work with this website.

What is more, I have added “File service” page, where you can take a look and if wanted submit your file to me for tuning. Service price is very reliable, I only take this money for my time spent on working with your file. Before using my service, please email me and we will discuss what I can do for you. I guarantee 100% satisfaction. If you own a garage and have many vehicles to tune, we can discuss for fast file tuning and a small discount.

Everyone who used File service or/and purchased Gold membership are invited to post a feedback here! Thank you!

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